Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Tidbits.

Yay! Spring is here. Hurray for fun colors, lighter clothes, and cute accessories!

It's a great time of year to treat yourself (and your little ones) to some special pieces.

Some of my old and new favorites:
1. custom necklace (I have one with my son's name on it!) - 3squares
2. giraffe shoes (purchased a pair last summer and loved them) - loveylou baby
3. Easter bunny maternity shirt - JellybeanApparel
4. tan t-strap sandals (these are on their way to my doorstep) -
5. fish onesie - designedthreads
6. cotton t-shirt (my son rocks this design) -

Have any favorite spring picks? I'd love to hear about them!

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